
Shallow underground heat storage, deep geothermal wells, green hydrogen production a solar sources integrated into functional units...

Green building
Green hydrogen
Shallow green heat
Deep green heat

Fuel cell
is an electrochemical device that converts the chemical energy of hydrogen   into electrical and thermal energy.
Fuel cell
is an electrochemical device that converts the chemical energy of hydrogen   into electrical and thermal energy.
is a device for the production of hydrogen by the decomposition of water   by the action of electricity.
Battery storage
A system that allows excess energy   to be stored for later use.
Ground-water heat pump
transfers heat between the ground mass and the heating/cooling system.
Ground-water heat pump
- heat is extracted from a seasonal storage tank and pumped into an experimental low-temperature network.
The high temperature heat pump pumps heat from the low temperature network to supply heat at a temperature level of 90°C.
Air-to-water heat pump
removes heat from the ambient air and converts it to a higher temperature level for heating and hot water.
Photovoltaic panel (FV)
converts sunlight into electricity.
Photovoltaic panel (FV)
converts sunlight into electricity.
Photovoltaic panel (FV)
converts solar radiation into electrical energy...
Photothermal collector (FT)
converts solar radiation into heat energy.
Photovoltaic-thermal collector (FVT)
is capable of combined production of electricity and heat from solar radiation.
The shallow underground heat storage serves to extract and supply heat to the heat pump throughout the year via 100 m deep boreholes.
The shallow underground heat storage is used for seasonal storage of waste heat from the electrolysis and PVT system into the rock environment through 200 m deep boreholes.
The shallow underground heat storage serves to store heat from renewable sources with variable output during the year into the rock environment seasonally through 400 m deep boreholes.
Deep boreholes
extend to a depth of 3.5 km. They are used to pump geothermal energy for heating purposes.
for deep drilling
Crack exchanger
is formed by connecting two boreholes by means of natural or artificially created fractures.
Low Temperature Network Emulator
simulates conditions in modern heat networks.
The pressurized hydrogen storage serves for its seasonal accumulation.
Central heat source
supplies heat to buildings in Litoměřice
(m) 02004007809253-3,5 km


Operační program Výzkum, vývoj a inovace
Operační program Výzkum, vývoj a inovace
Projekt SYNERGYS - systémy pro energetickou synergii byl podpořen z Operačního programu Spravedlivá transformace 2021 - 2027 pod reg. číslem CZ.10.02.01/00/22_002/0000172 v rámci výzvy 10_22_002 Ministerstva životního prostředí.